Weighted Spreaders.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
I make other fishing tackle besides jigs. Have been using my own hand made spreaders for years. But have just recently discovered how to make my own weighted spreaders.

I take a # 5 barrel swivel and use a # 57 drill bit for hole. Then cast bass casting sinker in Do-IT mold using the 1/4 oz weight. Then thread wire thru hole in swivel and bend the spreader wire like I normally do and add clevises and blades.

If anyone would like to make these or you are interested in how and why they are used. I will post pix of what I am talking about. I like to use them for all types of panfish. But I think they are super effective for perch and crappie.


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
I think I know what you're doing but pics would help. I make the old style ones with the hook lears and heavy fishing line and that way you can use whatever weight you need on it.


Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio




Ok 1st pic shows already cast sinker on drilled swivel. Make a 90 degree bend on each side of swivel this prevents the swivel from moving off center. Use fine needlenose pliers to make all bends. Next make a another 90 degree as shown in 3rd pix.
Last pix is of finished product. The middle one is the one I have been making for years. The user can hang any weight they want on snap part.

The weighted ones are made with just a barrel swivel. They are attached to main line that has a snap swivel on end of line.
When getting ready to use to pull one leg out from other so the ends are " spread " out. Reslide the retainer back over the wire loop to lock it. Then thread one snelled hook on each side.. Bait with whatever you think may work.

I even use them under a sliding bobber. Reasons I make my own is I like lighter wire than manufactured ones. They are also too big and tangle readily. Mine tangle once in awhile but not very often. I can make my own color combo with beads and blades not have to be satisfied with limited choices. Plus mine are more compact and easier to use. I find a hook with a 6 to 8 inch snell works best. Since I also snell my own hooks my choices are endless.

Once all the primary bends are made I string the bead blades and clevises on and finally a sliding lock. I make the end bends on a herter wire bender. The sliding lock I use is for crimping wire. I don't crimp locks no need to on these. HWen fishing snaggy places retying hooks on is fast. Just hold loop on one side of srpeader eye and hook on other and pass hook thru spreader eye.
I use 30 lb test power pro to head of spreader and 6# test mono on snell.

I have used a snelled pinmin on one side and a crawler harness on the other. Only your imagination prevent your options. Nomally minnow on one hook and small worm on other.



Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Forgot to add I made 1/4 oz weighted because the pre-weighted ones tangle less. The 1/4 oz weight is perfectly balanced with my favorite ultrlight casting outfit.