Update On JigCraft


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Hey all - as we are all sitting on our hands waiting for the country to decide if we elected a lying moron or if we elected a lying jack a$$......... just wanted to remind everyone that once March roles around for 2021, unfortunately this site will be going lights out.  With zero activity on the forum, there is no reason to continue to pay the hosting fees.  Once the yearly subscription runs out , the site will go away.  Unless there is anyone out there that would like to take over payment and control of the site?  The annual fee is no more than $150/year and would happily transfer all the information over to anyone willing to keep it up.  Other wise.......  

Sooooooo......... if there are any private conversations or other important information you want to KEEP, i advise that you copy/paste it into some text documents and save it on your own device or computer.  I can help people with the process if needed, just let me know what you need.  I have back-ups saved of the entire database, but they will only be accessible from my computer once the site goes dark.  It was a fun run and glad to have met some really cools people over the years.  I have a few phone numbers and check in with guys across the country every now and then.  

While i'm posting, might as well ask....... Anyone out fishing?  Hopefully my fall walleye will be biting soon so i can stock up my freezer for the winter.  I have plenty of panfish stored away already which should easily get me through to ICE FISHING season.  Can't wait.  Made 2 trips North into Michigan last season and have a full years license up there so will darn sure head that way before it expires.  Probably be heading up the the Cadillac/Mitchell area again this year.  Had a blast last year and learned a lot.

Hope everyone is doing well! Feel free to drop a comment even if it isn't about fishing.  Take care all!!!!! -: Russ


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Heartbreaking! My business, not to say my current way of life, would be unthinkable without the skills I have learned here. That being said, I would gladly offer sponsorship but I am not riding a dead horse.

Came up with a combo of jigging spoon, sliding kabura, bucktail teaser, halibut spinnow and assist hooks that is anihilating small mouthed flatfish and equally profitable to produce. Just closed a deal over 4,000 teasers directly in China....




Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Bucho - Does your business have a Facebook page? I would like to follow it if you do. I have though about starting a Facebook page for JigCraft for a few years now, may have to get one up and post the name in case any of the group here want to keep in touch.

It is definitely tough to see the site go after it being around for so long. The activity just seemed to drop very quickly. There was a large group of pretty innovative guys here in the beginning but they seem to have moved on to some other platform. Not sure if you have ever seen this site - https://custombaits.com/ - but it came about few years back. I believe it is actually run by the owners of the Do-It mold company?? Not positive about that though. There are some member names from JigCraft that i see over there. I have not followed that site very much though. TackleUnderground is another good discussion forum but i haven't been on there for a few years either.

That is a heck of a box of fish you have there! The hybrid spoon/teaser rig you have is pretty interesting too. I'm trying to visualize how that bait would look and be fished in the water. Are you fishing it vertically off the bottom? Has me wondering if something like that might attract walleye through the ice. I have the components to put something similar together so think i will make a couple up and put them in my ice box for this winter. Very cool!


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Thanks! There is a "lead pouring techniques and jig crafting" FB group in existence which is quite nice, helpfull and very polite by FB standards. I encourage everybody who still has the nerves for social media to add me "Frank Buchholz" or follow my business page "Frank Buchholz Haarjigs". My private page has much more half baked experiments and less comercial stuff, I try to keep politics down to really twisted and funny content  without stern tendencies to either side. 

Custombaits is not bad, I have stolen the stand-up-blade idea from that Wiesnewski guy.

The "Flunder Wunder" stems from this summer`s slow jig experiments. The idea is, once again, to imitate a feeding flounder. I let it hang over the bottom or cast to the sides and drag it along, either way works. I still tip the hooks with bait but the lure amplyfies the effect so much that I get away with scraps or even stand-in bait s.a. salted or or artificial lug worm. I believe it is very flat fish specific, other than the light Inchiku Jig I currentlyy develop. It is meant to double as a true jigging lure for cod, trout etc. either with teaser, swiveled siwash or assist hooks. 39547154iz.jpg39049164ay.jpg



Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
Well that really sux, I can't tell you how much I've learned here from all the nice people. I have noticed the drop off and lately haven't had much time myself to participate either. I thought with the stay at home orders that things would be quite active but it seems to be the opposite. Hell I'd give you the $150 to keep it going! :D but I also understand that if no one is showing up and sharing it doesn't make much sense. This was my go-to forum to relax, learn and sort of go virtual fishing with the guys. I totally hate FB but it seems that they are taking over like a cancer. The idea of it is ok it's just they way it's handled. Hopefully things will improve.
BTW nice bucket of fish there Bucho! Glad someone is getting out and having some fun!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Still wondering what happened to all the early join members. Speculating that since many if not most were primarily crappie fans they got bored with same ol' chenille-marabou-ball head color combos posts? Would be nice to hear from members why they became inactive?

For myself, I thank Bucho for continually keeping it interesting with fresh ideas & excellent pics. Hey Mr. B, are those tooth marks on the slab ?

As for fishing, still 100% no bait single hook cast jigs adequate for the limited species here dead center USA. Not necessary to be creative, as former devisements continue to produce. Most recently, 2-1/2" Gulp Minnows (smelt only color available) on #2 hook 1/16 - 1/11 oz heads have been enticing a fair share of nice trout some exceeding 10#. Finally smoked one on my own using Kdog's soak juice recipe and it won't be the last.

Fall big walleye from the bank failed to materialize this season, and wipers of any size continue to be completely absent at formerly productive spots. Had to resort to jigging catfish with Gulp variations during the warm season, and discovered motor oil color plastics were best for smallies.

This was supposed to be my road trip year to fish different areas of the USA & possibly meet some JC members, but the virus killed that. My Nebraska is now one of the top 5 worst, among other freedom of choice not to wear a mask states. Wonder where they got that idea ?


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
..........My Nebraska is now one of the top 5 worst, among other freedom of choice not to wear a mask states.  Wonder where they got that idea ?

Why do you keep bringing up such topics? When has rubbing it in how simple minded and unreasonable some people are ever worked out for you? Apart from one or two close friends or familiy members maybe, have you ever managed to change a single mind this way - online?

I just recently met a lady through online dating who is part of the local no-mask movement. She was raised by her grandfather, a military chaplain, who eventually got good at straightening up young Wehrmacht soldiers for yet another bit of ultra violence by giving them PURPOSE. Needless to say that he couldn`t just go back and say ooops, looks like we were wrong about all that Nazi stuff, lets not do that again! Instead, he left the family memoires in which he described the building of death camps after the war for the sake of puffing up the whole holocaust issue among other ideas about islamization etc. She later was married to a police officer who had to deal with a lot of stuff that doesn`t frequetnly make it into the news of an understandably multiethnical dysfunctional society, all adding up to, say, an affection for what most of us would consider "alternative facts".

It took me two hours of intense personal interaction with more than a decade of sales experience under my belt ( I was ver, very horny :blush: ) to eventually open her mind to the idea that our perception can sometimes fail us and that her grandfather might have interpreted things in a way that helped him coping with the unimaginable stress his experiences put on his christian value system.

She is part of a whole universe of transsexuals, nazis, islamophobe slaws, esoterics and traumatized victims of abuse etc. who have all gone through the experience of society judging them for uttering their inner thoughts and feelings, making them light wires when it comes to that muzzle-motive. Do you seriously have the nerves to ask what the heck is wrong with them and what gives them ideas? Maybe the State government has more people skills than you and less illusions about talking sense into them, how is that for an idea?

Personly, I opted to trade the "muzzle" for something lighter.



Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Nebraska just jumped to #4 most dangerous virus states under the 2 Dakotas and Wyoming.  All 4 states have Republican governors and majority legislatures directing response policy.

My rural Keith County has been climbing from near bottom to 7th most dangerous out of 93 in Nebraska last week.

Edit: few days later and we jumped up to 4th .


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Bucho - If you only knew how divided this country was leading up to the election..... i'm sure there were news reports about it but it has a very tangible feeling here when you speak with people. Honestly i think people are still very split and hiding it just under the skin. If you ask me, social media is to blame for a lot of that. I blocked several peers, friends and even some family members of mine on Facebook because i was tired of reading their offensive political posts. I didn't block them just because they opposed my views but more so because they sounded like a scratched record just repeating things. It isn't like i would never talk to those people face to face either..... we would still get along just fine in that case because they actually show compassion and a willingness to at least listen when you are face to face. On Facebook they become keyboard cowboys and herd everyone into big piles and call them all idiots. Sad to say it is so, but they honestly learned that and were encouraged to continue it directly from our presidents non-stop use of tweets as a blunt force tool. I surely don't agree with and would not stand behind every policy issue the incoming president has, but am very glad to have some respect and decency coming back into the office. Trump was not a bad president..... he is just simply a bad person. I think you may have even said it your self that Trump was the greatest politician ever and i do agree. He is quite the showman. To really drive home that point, he was able to convince many many Americans that he actually was NOT a politician. His words may not sound like a politician, but his actions are purely political and often times self serving.

Hawnjigs - He does have a very relevant point about changing hearts and minds on the internet. When people go online and read personal posts that are politically or personally biased...... it tends to fall on deaf ears. Those points are not taken seriously in text and media rather than face to face interactions. It is just the world around us these days. I can remember the days of sitting down and writing out hand written letters to my Grandma and then waiting weeks for a response. Back then, the words were limited to a few sheets of paper and there was such a build up of anticipation between messages, that they truly meant something. Now we can spread our thoughts instantly to thousands at a time with out thinking those thoughts through and many times the recipients only scan through for pieces of information to use as fodder for the next mass feeding of information. People don't care as much about complete content as they do about snippets and headlines. If i have learned anything in the years since i have purchased my first computer, it is that i don't fully trust anything that i actually see on my computer. It is a strange world we live in, indeed!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I've never joined Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever, & my TV doesn't get broadcast news or station programming.

As for don the con, is he fully aware that his lies are just that, or does he actually believe they are truthful ?

Yup, peeps here I sometimes engage in brief repartee indeed rely on snippets to foundation their belief systems, like relying on blanket judgement of Democrats as socialist or even (actual quote) communist. I suspect that very few have actually perused the definitions of either or their dogma.

Heck, I do that myself ascribing tax cuts for the rich & benefit cuts for the needy as the primary platform of a political party.

Even a blatant lie can be truth to a believer.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
There must be someone using the site because every time I stop by I see 20 viewers on one section, 8 or 10 on another, and on the stats there's like 100 in the last 15 min ect. I guess theres more gawkers than contributors.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Duffy - I believe those are bots or spammers from Russia. They sure hit the forum hard with fake sign ups. That is one of the reasons the software company always offers new updates. They find a way to block them and just as fast they are working ways around the blockade. There are a LOT of people who have always signed in and watched the forum but don't post much. I think it is that way with most forums though.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist, answered my question about her uncle donald:

"He's the only person I've ever met who can gaslight himself, I don't think he's ever accepted the truth of the loss. I don't think he's psychologically or emotionally capable of that."

"If Donald feels rejected by the American people, he's not going to distinguish people who voted for him from people who didn't," Mary Trump said. "He's going to take all of us down with him."


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
If Russian hackers are messing with our little ol' forum, imagine what they're doing to destroy faith in our gubmint and media ?

Edit: and in our fellow Americans ?


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
AtticaFish said:
Duffy - I believe those are bots or spammers from Russia. They sure hit the forum hard with fake sign ups. That is one of the reasons the software company always offers new updates. They find a way to block them and just as fast they are working ways around the blockade. There are a LOT of people who have always signed in and watched the forum but don't post much. I think it is that way with most forums though.
Didn't think of that Russ, I've not kept up with much of the techno stuff lately and try to forget that there's people out there with nothing better to do than screw with others. What is their reason or what do they gain by bot's or fake sign ups?  I know there's quite a few watchers and I've done it too basically to check out a forum to see how it is or if it's something I like. It seems like anywhere you go theres always one or more agitators on every forum that has to stir things up and contributes basically nothing. I join to have a place to learn, hopefully share and relax, not to mess with people. It's just odd that everything here just came to a screeching halt, it's like everyone's internet service just died or something was said or done that pissed everyone off and they just left. With the shutdowns I thought this would be a booming place. I would like to tie more but been so dang busy catching up that haven't been able to enjoy it. Farming doesn't stop just because of a pandemic so I do my social distancing on the tractor. :D  Mother nature don't wait for no one.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Hey Duffy, hows your renovated lake doing? Trout surviving holdover & getting big?

Sorry to drag politics in, but lies, liars, hypocrisy becoming mainstream acceptable have me ruffled, and being criticized for a small offhand mention elicited a defensive response.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
double post deleted.

BTW, why is the forum running well now, when for months couldn't post or even get in due to error messages ?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Mr. Fish, I don't have the time, energy, or smarts to keep the forum running but count me in as a sponsor, hopefully not the only one.