Unions made America Great !


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Back in the day when my wife worked for Safeway we got nearly full medical, vision, & dental coverage + she retired with a decent UNION pension.  Currently here at the Ogallala NE Safeway employees have NO union, NO pension, not the best medical, and wages are less than what my wife made many years ago.  

"Income inequality" has become a buzz topic which I didn't fully understand.  This article helped.



Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I hear U.S. economy grows at an impressive 3% while Germany is facing a recession. I do not expect the American Working Class to benefit from it, let alone their environment or general quality of living, but Trump delivers. You got to give him that.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
If the "working class" doesn't benefit from "an impressive 3%" growth who does? Right, that is the definition of income inequality.

Would you prefer Trump to Merkel leadership? Is Chancellor Merkel a liar like our President? I think Mr. Trump passed 10,000 a month or more ago.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I do not say I like what he does. I only say you folks get what you asked for.

We have had a cut down of union rights and social benefits here, too, but that happened around millenium when left green was in charge and heavily undermined trust in the political system as a whole. Now we have a formerly conservative administration that leaves the left no space to breathe, making things even worse. Former 38-50% working class party SPD has been dwarfed down to 13%, breaking even with far right AFD. People are loosing their faith.

Trump on the other side is straight in his own twisted way. The way I got it, his administration is very diligent and efficent in cutting down all sorts of regulations that are in the way of corporate profit, and it starts to pay off. Not to the majority, but it pays. And when it comes to blunt lies, I have to admit I am beginning to look up to him for what he manages to get away with. I believe he is using them as rethorical means, in order to get attention or "reach" as they call it these days.

If you ask a German politician a concrete question, he or she will go like "that is a delicate matter which we will tackle only under consideration of all possible interests blahblahblahblah...." They are so occupied with not stepping on the toes of any particular political intersst group that they literally say nothing, and people are sick of it. Its easy not to lie if you never state anything at all.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Bucho, you seem better informed about USA politics than many citizens here. Even less Americans including myself have much knowledge about Germany, and I appreciate your informative input.

I'm confused how the German "left" politicians undermined union rights and social bennies? Here in the USA those goals are the agenda of the conservative Republican "right" passing "right to work" laws allowing freeloaders to opt out of joining unions while still benefitting from union representation, and allowing employers to fire at whim. Benefits like food stamps are on the chopping block when Republicans control lawmaking agencies. I am appalled that our public lands funding is being cut and use rights apportioned to private industry under our current administration.

I sign a lot of petitions to our state lawmakers, and they NEVER directly answer a question just like yours.

As for lies, they are occasionally appropriate for compassionate reasons, used for willful self service they are an act of COWARDICE.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
I'm confused how the German "left" politicians undermined union rights and social bennies? 

Edit: Sorry I realized I was wildly off topic. Lets try again!

They passed a law that prohibited splinter unions from taking labor action. Classic example are well payed, privileged pilots that hold the entire airline ransom for ever higher pensions etc. which stand in no relation to the rest of the workforce. Today, only the largest union within a corporation can take action and function as a tarif partner. Sounds fair on paper but was a signinficant blow to many industrie`s unions.

"bennies" changed with respect to what followed after the first 12-18 months of compulsory premium fundet social security unemployment money. It used to be a second phase of tax fundet unemployment money that was low but indefinete and didn`t take your savings into account. Today however you are expected to sell/move out of an "inapropiatly" oversized home, liquidise private pension plans etc. before you are entitled to ask for tax money that pays the compulsory medical plan among others. They also ask for your partners income if you share a household, married or not, even same sex. Again, sounds fair, but has been a game changer for many middle class households strucken by structrural unemployment in the latter years of their work life.

Many say the conservative administration that followed stole the economical thunder of these (and other) measures. It is save to say they would have had a very hard time trying to pass these laws themselves, against the left...

Today, former chancellor Schröder enjoys quite a number of "bennies" from his close friendship with Wladimir Putin and his new employer Gazprom/North stream.  :D


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Off topic discussion can be beneficial, so thanks again.

Americans are being kept ignorant of IMPORTANT world events due to the current partisan political distraction of "Trump" this & that. Researched "Gazprom Nord Stream" and WOW, what a brilliant move by Mr. Putin in his pursuit of Euro dominance. Meanwhile, the president of the United States can only annoy and distance our allies with ignorant bluster, empty threats, broken promises, and lies. With the GNS pipeline in operation, much of Europe will be even more dependent on Russia for their petro energy, while Putin enriches and further empowers both himself and his cohorts.

Further, by threatening to bypass the Ukraine as a current energy transfer terminal that country will have no choice but to accede to Russian domination without any forceful intervention. BRILLIANT !

And now, we return Americans to the latest antics of Trump, AOC, and the Kardashians. We "get what we asked for".


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
BTW, Russian troll participation in our media continues unabated, previously skewed towards supporting the president and denigrating "liberals", now more noticeably plays both sides of the left-right fence to divide Americans .


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
With the GNS pipeline in operation, much of Europe will be even more dependent on Russia for their petro energy, while Putin enriches and further empowers both himself and his cohorts.

Further, by threatening to bypass the Ukraine as a current energy transfer terminal that country will have no choice but to accede to Russian domination without any forceful intervention.  BRILLIANT !

"Dependence" is when you don`t have another choice. We still have plenty of other facilities, including terminals for U.S. fracking products. Nothing wrong with north stream, why should we pass on it? I see no reason to depend on Ukrainian good will. There`s 50 shades of grey in the east. I saw a very well researched documentary the other day about the crash of MH17. The Ukrainians knew exactly Putin had send a cutting edge BUK M1 AA-Battery and put it under the command of a half-baked militia leader. They also knew the exact location as it had just managed to down two of their aircraft, not only a SU-25 ground attack plane which is vulnerable to the abundance of manpads the seperatists always had but also a high and fast flying barrel-bombing Antonov which they used to terrorize residential areas. These planes were impossible to distinguish from an airliner so they knew the spot had become a death trap to high and fast flying large planes. Rather than giving a proper warning or closing the airspace, they waited until the bodies of 300 dutch tourists spread over a potatoe field, drawing the eyes of the world to a weapon system that should never have been there.

The failure to anticipate a strategically brilliant move that goes beyond all moral limits tells me that Putins thinking does have boundaries.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Perhaps your perceived slip by Mr. Putin was actually planned strategy?  So, in the Ukraine there is a coalition with the stupidity to shoot down a civilian airliner and another which allowed it to happen?  Who wins?

Mr. Putin apparently has an advantage of no moral constraints, his critics and adversaries seem to die horribly in full public view with no evidence leading back to him.  Similarly, he is deemed to be the world's wealthiest person but investigators can only review what he allows to be publiclly available.  He is also capable of measured restraint, unlike his wannabe admirer across the Atlantic.

A genius at subterfuge,  the exact mechanism of his USA election meddling remains untraceable, with the result that his perfect puppet is the leader of Russia's #1 rival nation.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
When the feared east German secret service headquarter was stormed by an angry mob in 1990, Putin served as an officer in the soviet one nearby. When the mob came over to try the same there, he stepped out and singlehandedly "defended" it with nothing but a pistol in his pocket and a few big words. I find that impressive.

Soon after, around 80.000 secret service men became unemployed and sold out their toxic skills to west German HR agencies, skyrocketing the mental illness related sick-leave statistics in the aftermath. I personly got a smack of that and consider any country`s secret service personel as the lowest form of human existence. However, I have to admit Putin has balls. He looks at himself as a patriot who does what needs to be done to protect his country and deterr his enemies. The U.S. secret service and others are killing, threatening and manipulating in a more subtle way, not quite as shameless. So?

Russia always had all her resources needed on her own soil. They never looked at another country`s wealth or invaded a neighbor for reasons other than to extend a safety buffer or balance a hoth thread. We all heard of those atomic missiles on Cuba. How many of us have heard of the ones in Turkey? Its basic strategy is and always has been a defensive one. other than many western countries. Many a british conscript of WWI has asked himself how the heck he had ended himself up in an expediton corps participating in the Russian civil war, which was only the begining.  

I grew up in a balance of terror. Now its a balance of intelligence. Frankly, I am somewhat reliefed the Russians manage to keep up, keeping it a balance.  You don`t want them to mess with your democracy? Well, don`t let them! Be better! Be smarter!

I find China far more intimidating. They are far more interested in global control over trade, technology and resources. Hence they are far more like the U.S. themselfes and therefore more in conflict with them.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Being a fan of Chinese pugilist movies, clan leaders achieve and maintain their leadership positions with superior coercion and combative skills, and Mr. Putin certainly fits that mold. Former head of the KGB, and some refer to him as a "master" of judo. As arguably the richest and most powerful person on the planet, he avoids involvement with policy and action that could erode his position. Better to let international threats bicker among themselves, and he apparently has the capability of encouraging that.

Geographical imperatives make Russia a better choice than the USA as Germany's ally if a choice had to be made.

If nuclear disasters aren't the death of us all, China indeed has the capability to extend its position as a super power. In the USA alone there are 60 operational nuclear power plants each one a potential Chernobyl disaster.

Luckily, I've lived a long enuf life and don't have to worry, just enjoy what I can while I can.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
If you lived under the leadership of a woman who holds a phd (with honours) in physics, is married to a leading quantum physician, with the power to access more intimate classified information concerning domestic nuclear powerplants than enyone else in the country, with a judment founded on the christian-humanistic value system of an educated minister`s daughter, anticipates them to be safe for the time being, would that comfort you?

It was  good enough for me. Well, at least until on the other side of the globe, in the very country that coined the term "Tsunami", 4 of such plants went out of control because they had been built irresponsibly close to the (cooling-) water in order to cut costs. Facing the risk of further bad news from there which would make 80,000,000 Germans turn their heads and ask "See what can happen? Why do WE still have those? We thought you had that covert at school???" German nuclear powerplants had to be shut down a.s.a.p. however, regardless the climate issue. That`s Merkel.

But hey, lets turn to something lighter! I thought our notoriously Trump-bashing left media was spreading fake news, trying to ridicule your president when they said he intendet to "purchase" Greenland. Now I hear he actually cancelled a visit at queen Margerethe`s court  because they had made clear they were not interested? Brilliant! If he really is somebody else`s "puppet", well I have to say I am enjoying the show! :cool: What a wonderfull distraction of our domestic issues!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
With your Germany policy and social issues generally getting more serious media treatment, indeed our USA clown show farce must be entertaining. We have an apex "leader" supposed to be our role model for intelligence, fairness, and dignity continually attacking his critics with petulant rude remarks appropriate to a spoiled brat. Perpetrator of 10,000+ public record lies who derides media reportage fact checking as "fake news". And our media suggesting seriously that he may win a second term ?! Americans are funny, eh ?

Thank God for simple pleasures like fishing and creating effective tools for that purpose thru our own efforts.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Interesting read

Unions did make this country great eliminating the sweat shop mentality of the manufacturing industry.  Unions also hit the bottom line of the companies

Not only unions, but regulation on these companies bit into their bottom line due to the environmental impact of production.  

All this caused manufacturers to move their production out of the country - hence good paying jobs left the US.

With all this, the rich still keep getting richer and the average worker with a high school education or less kept getting poorer.  The average worker who is successful today has a skill.  But that skill is a service related skill

imho we've moved from a manufacturing society to a service society - which is a problem to the lower and middle class

Trump came in and built up the manufacturing sector by eliminating or down grading regulations on the stiff environmental regulations - but to me, that's a quagmire.  Good in the sense that now there's more higher paying jobs, bad because of the environmental impact. But the benefits the unions offered the employees did not come back (such as health insurance and pensions)

I also believe that social media is helping the division in the US - and the world.  People believe what they read - and what's written has a heavy bias to it depending on the writers politics and positions.  imho someone please take that tweet account away from our President - another instance where social media is fueling the flames of division.

On the nuclear issue - good facts Hawn - I'm doing that study now and 60's about right.  fyi - the 60 includes some very small local facilities.  Not educated enough as to what the small facilities are doing.  I've never been a fan of nuclear power because of the damage of a leak.  As mentioned above when any facility is built with profit in mine, safety and risk could be compromised.  That's my fear with nuclear power.

No comment or opinion on Russia or China other than I'm blessed to not be living in their situation and living in America


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
hookup said:
No comment or opinion on Russia or China other than I'm blessed to not be living in their situation and living in America

This is not about good and bad and human rights n stuff. China`s "new silkroad" policy is aggressively putting raw-material rich developing countries around the world in debt, turning disputed attols in the south China Sea into unsinkable aircraft carriers, all in pursuit for control over global trade. This is real. The wealth you and me are enjoying is depending on free trade - or what we, the western hemisphere, call "free".

Remember there once was a time when the young U.S.A. spend a fifth or their federal budget in ransom to north african corsairs in exchange for free trade. Back in the day it was not a big deal to build a few decent ships, sail over there and slug it out. Dealing with China however is a different ballgame. Its not a democracy, flip-flopping around according to public opinion. They are capable of tight, multi-decade long, complex global strategies.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Assuming that reasonable minds won't destroy the planet with a nuclear slugfest, China's active armed forces personnel = 2,300,000 vs. USA 1,281,000. Economically the USA DEPENDS on China for consumer goods imports, ag products exports, and more importantly financing our government debt. Not sure, but I don't think China's governance is hampered by partisan political deadlock like the USA. Altho we were on the losing end deficit wise, there was a cordial trade partner relationship until you know who decided to initiate a "trade war" on the backs of American consumers and farmers.

I'm done being silent about the incompetence of the current administration. See my new topic.