The Great Shutdown on Wyalusing Creek


Nov 25, 2010
North Central Pennsylvania
So I go to the Wyalusing last night. If I would have only know that all the little pesky events that happened were a precursor of thing to come... I would have just never would have left my house.

First... I watch a frac truck turn a deer into a fine red mist in front of me. The Jeep-Jeep caught the leftovers on the windshield. Not fun to try and wipe doe chunks off my windsheild with a half used Kleenex and old coffee in a cup.

Second... I parked my Jeep before the bridge in front of the dry hydrant area of the Wyalusing FD. Little did I know the berm was really soft and undercut. So the Jeep became tilted and the berm started to collaspe under me. How cool is that? Can you say... instant asshole puckering!

Third... Whomover decided that throwing 45lbs of barbed wire into the creek was a good idea? It rusts pretty quick and therefore one wading in the creek can't see it. Rust kinda blends in with the water color. So, 15 cuts later I'm wondering how the "mosquitos" were biting me under the water. Then stupidly, I spray bug spray on what I thought were insect bites without looking that it was open wounds. NOTE TO SELF: Bug spray stings like a motherfucker on open cuts.

Third (part B): Leather Gloves would be a good thing to wear then one tries to remove half a ******* spool of barbed wire out of a stream bed.

Fourth... If you can't see the bottom of the creek... don't try and wade through it. 'nuff said. Or at least wear quick drying clothes.

Fourth (part B): Automatic key fob door opener things don't work after they get wet. Learn to embrace the use of plastic ziploc baggies for pocket items when wetwading.

Fifth... Muskrats have a temper. Waving a flyrod at them only pisses them off further. Did you know that they will hiss at you and swim towards you in a menacing manner?

Fifth (part B)... you reach down for your 9mm and realize you left it in the car along with your cellphone so now you can't dial 911 when being forcibly raped and molested by a crazy-assed muskrat! (almost forcibly raped) He did buy me dinner first... so y'know, it wasn't that bad.

Fifth (part C)... now matter how fast you think you can run on land. Doing it in the water is 75% slower.

Sixth: When you tangle your line in a dead overhanging treebranch and decide to pull the branch down to retrieve your fly by pulling with your line towards you. Remember Newton's law of motion... or at least duck when the branch come hurling at you. Images of an impaled object sticking out of my skull suddenly flashed through my brain.

Seventh: After 90 minutes of flogging the water and wishing that you brought a flashlight to hike back to the Jeep. One should try and find a path instead of making one.... through 4 acres of nettles.

Eighth: I'm an idiot.... and have cupholders in my Jeep. I SHOULD USE THEM! Instead of reserving a caddy spot for your Skoal spitter. Nuclear hot coffee in a thin styrofoam cup does NOT travel well sitting between your legs while driving home at 60mph.

Ninth (in hindsight): If the first 8 things happen within 120 minutes of leaving your house. Think twice about all that shit before you head off fishing alone again way out in the ******* middle of nowhere without telling someone where the hell you were going to go fishing at. Or at least leave a note, text, email, smoke signal, carrier pidgeon.

That is all. Have a great 4th of July weekend everyone. I'm actually kinda glad I'm at work all weekend. It's safer here!!


Nov 25, 2010
North Central Pennsylvania
I'm really swamped with orders but I promised my eldest minon (Josh) that I would get him some fish on poppers. (He LOVES fishing poppers). So we hit the Wyalusing last night. (Mr. Golden 'bow was still in that run... we left him alone but watched him feed. He has a good lie... he is 50 feet downstream basking in a little cool water that comes in from a trib and we think he has plenty of O2 since his lie is right at the tail end of a riffle)

We started fishing 25 feet below him as to not stress him out even further. But it was fun to see this big trout in the water. Really, this trout is wayyy out of its element. He is at least 15 miles south of the last stocking point. I doubt that he will live through the summer... Some angler will catch and keep him since he sticks out like a sore thumb.

First cast Josh hit up a good sized smallie and was amazed that every time we hooked up with on another smallie followed the hooked fish, as thinking "Hey, what's up with you? Why are you zipping around this hole?"

He had a few scars on him...

We think it's from this guy!!
Usually they fly off when we get too close. This heron let us get 25 feet from him before he mosied on down the run in no particular hurry.

"The boy" loves his rock bass. He prefers catching them over SMB. They don't jump as much! He lost about 3 SMB when they jumped and gave his fly the old "headshake". He is becoming a very good flyangler, but he has to work on his line control when he gets a bass hooked up. He gives them a little too much slack when they fight him.

Bass on a popper. His preferred fly to use in warmwater creeks.

Last night HE dethroned me as the rock bass KING! He caught 5 in 7 casts!
Then I put on one of my white miller hairbugs and the smallies LOVED it. 2 got off with a couple of good jumps and a headshake. I finally got this one to stick after I honed my hook a little bit with my sharpener.


Nov 25, 2010
North Central Pennsylvania

My first smallie of the night.

Mr Fallfish (chub) decided to be a willing contestant

The pic really doesn't do it justice... he was a big boy!
This was the "booby prize" pic of the night. I was holding up the fallfish and dropped it right as Josh was taking my pic!!


Nov 25, 2010
North Central Pennsylvania
Me too!! This creek will be the "Main Event" destination for the 3rd Annual 'Bass N' Bourbon' Weekend of the Dirtbag Flyfishing Posse. From 7/22 to 7/25. A detailed "after action" report will follow... if I survive.