Stren Magna-Thin anyone having issues


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
Although I really like my Tatsu, sticker shock is a bit of an issue this year so earlier tis year, for creek fishing I switched over to Magna Thin. A friend used it all last fall and was really impressed and the price is attractive.

Spooled up my go to combo and a fishing we went. early in the spring all was good. Then after a couple trips not so good. Strip off 100 feet and put new line on and all was good again.

The last trip lost 4 nice somethings and my buddy lost 3. These were good fish. I know my drag is right, and IMO flawless on my TE - PTIB reels. Usually I have no problem landing big fish. Did catch a ~40 Shovel head on a 5' ultra light with 4# test stren.

Anyhow, we have both scrapped the magna thin but I have 2 spools that I hate to pitch. Been thinking about what is going on and have concluded that before WT > 60 degrees there were no issues. Were able to recover most snags. and no break offs. Between the 2 of us ~200 2-3 saugeye and numerous channels cats, bass bluegill and crappie were caught and no problems. Last couple trips however snags = lost jig, breakoffs fairly common. First time it happened, time to change line. New line and no difference.

I respooled tow poles with Tatsu, and 1 with Halo so back in business. Am trying the Halo (it was free and comes highly recommended).

So this AM was thinking about what was going on and looking at trip records, noticed that water has gotten much warmer. So I soaked a spool in ice water and did some quick tests. 6' line 1 4# weight hung from ceiling in basement. about 3" of stretch and started it swinging about 3' side to side. Basement temp is 63 degrees.

Set up another rig same 4# weight and went outside and hung it from bottom of deck. Almost 5" of stretch, went back inside to take a call and within 15 minutes I heard a thump and sure enough line had snapped. Outside temp was 83 degrees. Got me thinking so I repeated the test with almost the same result except when line snapped, weight hit my toe.. gotta invent some steel toed sandals. So yes, the line IMO is junk and maybe I can exchange it.

But this got me thinking so I took some sections of different lines, tied them to some 1 1/2 ounce spoons and hung them from a little drying rack,

Set on the deck and read the paper. The Fluorocarbon lines Tatsu, Halo and some Plain P-Line Floro, 10-2 braid, 20-8 braid, Magna thin, Berkley XT, Clear Blue stren. 45 minutes later, the fluoros and braids looked just like they did when hung. The Clear Blue Stren stretched about 1/8" The berkley XT ws a bit less than the CB Stren, the magna thin was probably 3/8" longer. Gonna be interesting to see how they look later today when the sun hits them.

I never really thought about environmental temp as a cause of line failure
sure, poor storage, direct sunlight, etc.. can cause problems but I always felt it was more of a long term issue. Maybe not.

Anyone else experience anything similar. I hate the thought of tossing ~$30 of line but I work too hard at fishing to take a chance with suspect line.

I fish 3 different lakes and all have healthy populations of zebra mussles and all are getting crystal clear so lighter less visible lines are becoming a necessity. But I dont like catching but not landing fish.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Interesting that a few degrees of rather ordinary temp difference might compromise line strength. Also interesting the effort you're putting into testing.

I tried Magna Thin when it first came out, what, 30 years ago, once, then threw it away after losing several fish that session. Always amazed that the line stood the test of time while others came & went.


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
Its not all that much effort when I am trying to figure out what is wrong, I did not realize it was 30 years old. I only switched from trilene or clear blue stren about 5 years ago. Like Braid for fall spoon and winter jigging usually tipped with 10# Floro leader. For spring fishing I like the floro but sometimes I feel a little stretch is a good thing and the floros do not stretch so I keep trying different monos

Just a little update, thru the day and afternoon sun, the magna thing had grown stretched to about 5/8 inch while remaining lines have not moved


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Freeport FL
If You get a chance would like to see how premium Andee 12# would stand the test.

This is to me an "Eye Opener" after all these years had not heard of a test with temps in this way.
Keep us informed.


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
It is not a scientific just, I was just trying to figure out why the line was good earlier and all of a sudden not worth having. Earlier when saugeye fishing water temps were as low as 40 degrees and we landed quite a few 2-4 pound saugies were few break offs (line cuts from rocks and drop off at end of spillway not included). The last trip 6 inch bluegill were breaking the line.

The only major change change was water temperature and of course age of line, but even new line from same spools had the same issues. I started my line testing a long time ago primarily for testing knots. I bought a bag of big snap swivels, mounted a cup hook from a rafter in the basement and made a jig (1x2 6 foot long with 2 nails so I could make my line the same length - actually it is a jig I made for my wife when she was making dog "show" leashes. My little weight set is from an old balance scale.

Set up your own little test. Over the years I have done wet tests - soaked in water for a couple hours, hot dry tests (left on car dashboard) Frozen yep straight out of the freezer, Still trying to figure out an abrasion resistance test. Tried a round rock once but did not work, Tried sandpaper on a dowel which did work but not the way it works in reality.

Line is trial and error, if you are happy with what you got, you can do some playing around and get the most from it. My first spool of florocarbon I got for free from a friend that could not tie a knot that would hold. He still can't tie a knot for floro and several of us have tried. He refuses to change from his tried and true "daddy taught me" knot. I have never seen his knot on any knot page and am surprised that it will hold anything. But he catches more than his share of fish and is happy... No sense in trying to change that. Fishing is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable. For him it is!!!!!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Used to like original Stren for its abrasion resistance, but haven't bought any for at least 10 years. Formerly made in USA, is that still the same?


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Stren is a USA product it is now manufactured in Spirit Lake ,Iowa at the old Berkley plant. When they bought out Du Pont's Stren Division as I remember and this was like 2004 there were a lot of issues with the line. They worked for months getting it to where it was on a par with the rest of the Berkley lines. I still use Trilene XL and Spider wire. You are right the temp of the line does make a big difference. One reason that I like the Berkley line. It is made for warm weather and yet is flexible in the cold of fall and winter. Have been a big believer in the Trilene XL. They Made and I bought a bunch of a line that was called ULTRON it was small diameter and high tinsel strength. Use it on my crappie stuff in the spring when I want my line to be invisible. The Olive color is works best here but the new Cajun Red is starting to have a big following.

As far as knots I use a loop knot the same one that I have been using for many years. It works and I can tie it fast and ease. The line will break before the knot will. If it works for you don't try to improve use what you have the most confidence in.



Active member
Mar 28, 2010
Northeast Ohio
Using power pro as my main line and seagaur as my leader have solved all my former line problems. Even the highest quality mono will have some problem with spool tangles. As I like to do a lot of night fishing. I went back to baitcasters for awhile to alleviate all the line problems.

When they came out with power pro. I used it to spool my baitcasters and was well satisfied. Then I decided to try it on my spinning outfits. The only thing I gave up was distance. Try as I might it just does not cast as well as mono. But it solved all my tangle problems to the point where I will use spinning gear at night again. Since I either troll or vertical fish most of time the distance was no big deal to me.

On another fishing site way back when. I posted about using braid on my spinning outfits. You would not believe how many explanations I got about why it would not work. Someone even said the line would cut my rod guides to shred. Most of the anti braid guys formed their opinions on myth. One thing they were right about is that it does fade. But it does not appear to affect its strength.

I use no heavier than the 20# which is like 8# mono diameter wise. 15# I also like which is like 6# mono. On my smallest reels I use the 10# which is like 4 # mono.

The power pro does not scare the fish off as some told me. Only reason I use a leader is so something will break when I snag.
Color of the line has made no difference what so ever to me either. When I need a new spool I just shop for the lowest price.
At first the cost is way higher than mono. But as the years of use go by the price amortizes down to the cheapest of mono's.
With mono it seemed like I was always re-spooling. With the braid its like spool once and forget it.