Scarp lead cleaning


New member
Jul 4, 2014
So i go on a service call at a scarp yard to fix their scale.( I'm scale tech) Guy wanted to give me a cash tip, but that's a no-no where I work. So I got 40 lbs. of lead. Tried getting all the sheet lead I could. Some was very clean but some well ain't. Some of it still has the down spout on it lol and shingles and glue. What's the best way to clean this up. I known you can just melt down some stuff and skim it off and flux the heck out of it. But the pieces of shingles well bugs me and the glue. Anybody done this before?


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
Yep, melt it down, I wash first just to get all the grease and gunk off. Be sure you let it dry. I do batch melting for some friends and they bring all kinds of assorted lead or what they think is lead. When their pile is big enough, I dump all of it in my melter and break it down. I have a big (it was an oil tank in its previous life) melter. I toss all my scrap in there light a good fire under it and go away for an hour or 2 or 3. The smoke and spatter does not appeal to me. Of course I toss it in wet and or oily material and let everything burn off during the melting.

When I get back, I skim off as much crud as I can. apply liberal dusting of flux powder and mix it in. Let it set another 1/2 hour or so and since I have a bottom tap out plug, I pull the plug and fill my ingot molds. Spend more time cleaning and you could ladle it out easilyI have a dam built around my tap hole that pretty much prevents the gunk from getting into my clean lead so my skmiing is just to get rid of the really nasty gunk. You can flux and skim 2-3 times and be confident that you have very clean metal.

It is dirty, messy and can be very smoky which is why I do it after dark. I also live in the country so it will not attract much attention.
Wear long sleeves and I reccomend a face sheild over anything else. Although rare, spatters and splashes do occur and most often without warning.Lead burns are bad it sticks to your skin and it does hurt.


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
very few materials are heavier than lead so once the lead is molten, they will float to the top. I once melted a bunch of lead valley flashing for a friend. It was rolled up complete with nails and roofing tar and bits of wood and shingles. We put all of it in, lit a fire and went out for a couple cold ones. after melting, all the gunk was floating on top and easily skimmed off. The tar actually burns and leaves a greasy soot which I think is called carbon black, supposedly makes a great lubricant but I challege any laundry detergent to remove it from your clothes

Be safe and remember, if it can happen, it will. Just be prepared and dont get impatient. THINK SAFETY!!!!!


New member
Sep 24, 2014
I smelt lead every week or so. Just put it in the pot and light the fire. Make sure to do it outdoors or with very good ventilation indoors and make sure to stand down wind.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Ditto to everyone. I don't do nothing but turn the pot up to max & put it in slowly. I live in suburbia housing so do small batches at a time.

Flux heavily & scrap off all the crap that floats to the top.

Then I pour it into a small mini muffin. When I use the muffins, I flux & scrap again, then have no problems.


Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
Same here! When I go to pour everything is nice and clean and even then when I start to pour I still flux it again before filling the molds.


New member
Nov 13, 2012
My son does remodeling work. He brought me some lead pulled from some plumbing jobs which I proceeded to melt and clean. What a pain and time consuming job. I said enough is enough. I took the lead to the salvage yard, 202 lbs and received 59.00. Purchased 50 lbs of 99.9% pure lead for 109.50 with free shipping. I rationalize this lead cost me about 1.00 per pound. So for 50.00 I figure I have enough lead to last me the rest of my life. Money well spent in my opinion. Pop