Rain has saved the day in June!


Oct 9, 2016
We've had drought conditions for over 3 months and it affected various patterns I can count on in spring. Drenching rains in the last week have caused local waters to rise 3/4 of a foot and with it, placement of fish in areas far easier to fish jigs than before it rained. Two patterns are in play:
1. pads in water 3-5' deep
2. near shorelines with no plants, just hard bottoms.
Jigs as you all know can be used like any lure that can be pitched or flipped close to pad edges. Fish are high in the water column near those pads and either ambush the lure on the splash or chase it before striking.
Two kinds of fish have been attacking my lures: slammers and nippers. Slammers mean business and are easy to hook. Nippers nip at the lure all the way to the boat with no intention of getting it far enough in to set the hook. Solution: larger lures for slammers; smaller lures for nippers even if it means biting 1/4" of the front cutting the length down to 2". The other remedy for nippers is to use a lure with a flat tail on a light jig (1/24 oz,)

Recently I had the bright idea to cut the belly off a Sassy Shad to make it shimmy even better. I worked for crappie, sunfish and white perch in pad pockets and along pad edges:
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Before i cut the belly off, I had no use for the Sassy Shad except for smallmouth bass.

But then nippers started nipping at the lures and I had to go to a flat tail grub and bite a bit off of the front to shorten the overall length:
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I caught small perch and sunnies with no problem. Of course bigger fish also joined the fun not wanting small fry to have all the fun. This 2 3/4 lb pickerel and 2 lb smallmouth bass amazingly stayed hooked after one hell of a fight!:
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A large LM bass jumped and through the hook so no pic.
(Note the color of the thin tail grub on the left: chartreuse pearl with orange belly.)

I alternated between the Sassy Shad and the thin tail the rest of the outing and in 4 hours caught 51 fish - 6 species ranging in size from 4.5" yellow perch to large bass and a pickerel . Far better than the guys only fishing for bass and left early leaving the lake all to myself. Ahhh. what a day!


Oct 9, 2016
Variety is the spice of fishing! Gone are the days that I only catch fewer fish on only one or two lures.
Would have been more, but I got out late in the day after mowing the lawn and getting my sh** together.
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Nov 1, 2022
Kenesaw, Nebr
Had storms the last 2 nights. 1.40 inches last nite. Lightening, thunder and doesn't look like any hail. Heading for the lake for the big weekend. Will fish from the shore, don't put my boat in for the crazy weekend. Will be back guiding after the 4th. Mostly catfish and white bass. Has been fun helping out. Lets folks catch fish that do not normally get to. Was supposed to finish with the lawn today, guess it will wait til after the 4th. Makes it worthwhile getting the mower out. lol., Arne.


Oct 9, 2016
Got too hot and humid with not even a breeze plus the high humidity got me off the lake after 5 hours. But still, 65 fish on my creations in four hours!
I go fishing to ask questions and get answers. Here are some examples today:
Question: were there fish in the same spot I caught them yesterday?
Answer: five fish caught immediately 10 min. after launching the boat.

Question: would the carrot stick work in that spot and in chartreuse and green pumpkin?
Answer: it did and in many areas of the lake and for 4 other species.
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Question: How about the Sassy Shad with the belly cut off?
Answer: Hell yes!
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Three other shapes also caught fish.

Question: would the north end still have present the sunfish that clobbered my carrot sticks two weeks ago
Answer: not as many fish, but for sure the attacks and easy hook sets were present and on a pearl-colored carrot stick:
Rain added depth and 2.5' over rocks was okay for my boat. The photo shows the flat that came way out from shore.
You can see the humidity in the air and know what it felt like at 84 degrees.
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Last question: if fish were spotted on my sonar in the middle of the lake in deep water, could they be caught?
Answer: Caught two from the school seen:

Non fishing related question:
I bought a cheap 35# thrust trolling motor earlier this year and the prop that came with it not only didn't have the power to chop through weeds, but didn't go much faster at the top three speeds.
Question: if I added a spare prop from a trolling motor I had in the past that had different shaped and slightly larger blades, would it be an improvement?
Answer: 10x better performance in weeds and powerwise!
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Well-known member
May 22, 2012
jmho. Rains are always good for fishing. Think about it. When it rains heavily, the fish's home size increase. When it's a drought the fish's home size decrease and cause them stress. Rain also drops food into the water. Good stuff here