Prayers for Pepop


Active member
Feb 2, 2013
Chandler, Texas
I just want to apologize for not seeing this thread until now. I've been on the board a few times but somehow I overlooked this thread. I wish I could tell each one of you, face to face how much your prayers and kind words have uplifted me these past few days. Kurt, I really appreciate you posting that link as I want everyone to see what a beautiful woman I was blessed to have as my wife. And I mean beautiful to the very end, though the years (over 30 since I met her) took their toll on us all, her inner beauty never changed and in my eyes, she was still just as beautiful as she was 30 years ago (we courted for nearly 3 years and were married 28). The service Wednesday was sweeter than I could've ever asked for & my Sue would've been very pleased. Our pastor brought a message of hope & assurance and that is why, I'm ok! I know where Sue is & I know she is free of the physical limitations that made her later years very difficult. No longer tied to that wheelchair, she's dancing with her sister while her daddy plays the guitar and her mother claps to the tune! There was "A Grand Reunion" Friday evening and this assurance has given me such peace, it's hard to describe. What's more, I know Sue is waiting for me and in HIS time, we'll be together again. please continue to pray for my family & me as we deal with Sue's absence. Even now as I look at a blurred screen I know there will be difficult times ahead when the emotions just flood over me but even then, I am at peace. Thank you all again.
Vernon "Pepop"