Missed Hit Switch


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Dunno why it took me so long to figger, but lately when I get a good thump and miss I immediately tie on as different a jig as possible.  For example today got a solid hit & miss that felt like a goodun on a 1/10 BooHU (propeller Hooksup head) with attached 2" baitfish pearl color Ripple Shad, so tied on a 3" flat black Gulp Leech on a lighter 1/20 ball head.  Since in my experience trout will pretty much never hit the same jig twice the change from flashy quick to dull slow was enuf of a contrast to elicit another strike and soon a nice 22" male was thrashing.  Have done this successfully a few times this trout season, since my go-to search jig is a longer casting heavier high vis plastic or flash tie Boolie and pinch hitting a Gulp black leech or smaller plain black jig has proven to be a reliable second strike motivator.

Don't understand why a high commotion flailed fly can elicit multiple hits ?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Dunno why lasts years best of my life trouting has crashed to near zero, MAYBE 1 or 2 decent ones per outing. In fact, of the 8 caught in 5 trips since Christmas 2 were repeats same fish from the same spot. So, have been switching jigs more than usual and surprise, last two trips most effective bite getter was a datedl PINK 1/16 ball head #6 Sickle back from when JiggerJohn first taught me his rabbit fur - Flashabou "Basher" tie that revolutionized my trouting. Been sitting unused around maybe 8-10 years & I recently saw some Sally Hansen red NP discount clearanced at Walmart so updated the pink tie with a red head and voila! two nice 22s yesterday one the previously mentioned Gulp black leech caught male. Reconsidering that color choices black & white are all thats needed.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
In the past when there were more trout around never considered switching jigs because after a missed hit there were others around to oblige. But this season with #s WAY down maybe 1 fish per hole and maybe 4 holes per mile at my favored moving water area changing jigs has been essential. The other day of 6 caught 3 were switch hitters. One good fish was the reverse of usual since the initiial jig was a 3" black Gulp leech (missed) and the follow up successful jig was a much smaller 1" light gray mink Boolie.

Also learned that varying retrieve direction can make a difference. After no hits casting upstream letting the current dump the jig straight into a pool, took an up current stand that allowed the jig to enter the pool at a more cross current angle. Bingo! nice 23", typically this season the sole resident of the pool.


New member
Sep 17, 2016
Interesting strategy and tactics. Reminded myself to take and add note.

I've decided to tie some tungsten bead nymph jigs. Still amassing the components and will take awhile due to other projects but when the flows drop I will be ready. A new Yamaga Blanks TZ 71 Nano and Olympic Graphiteleader Corto Prototype rod will both be used to launch these lighter and smaller offerings.

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Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Hey, thanks for the reminder - I forgot my previous season lessons and during the current one (now done) kept the same jig on and moved spots after a missed hit. Laziness maybe, since this season yielded best of a lifetime trout #s and sizes.

Never heard of the products you mentioned - researched as high end Japanese blanks. Congrats on using what must be best avaialable in the world.

Maybe a mistake, but my $60 or less off the racks are still catching fish so not motivated to replace em anytime soon.


New member
Sep 17, 2016
I am drawn to these rods for sensitivity and their lightness. Much easier for me to pitch jigs all day on the river using these rods.

Of course this comes at a higher price, you pay more for less weight.

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Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I've had the opportunity to use extremely light rods on two occasions when the top sections broke off, & they still caught fish.

Sensitivity wasn't that great but no mistaking a big wiper smacking a jig at night.

In fact, I liked the increased holding power missing 2 guides & tip top so much I'll use one of em for that niche application. Trimmed off the stub end and now the 5th guide is the tip.

Not disrespecting your choices, just some strange but true humor.