Miracle Mile Redux 2013


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Was actually intending to stay further north this year in Central WY Wind River area, but the fishing was poor and chiggers were an annoying problem. Guide books and internet reports of big trout opportunity were either exaggerated or obsolete dated. The Wind River Reservation was particularly disappointing with highly touted Bull Lake & Creek, Dinwoody Lakes, and Wind River Canyon a near skunk after 3 days of hard shoreline pounding. $65 Res pass for 1 fish. Since the publicised spots were a flop, tried the unlisted spot (1st pic) I glimpsed driving by and lucked into some very decent trouting, including a PB 24" beautiful dark colored rainbow. Its a very limited resource and I won't disclose the exact location out of respect for a local regular I met there.
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The rainbow and a few brown trout were mostly aggregated in a 100 yd or so stretch of canal, so my catch #s steadily declined and after a few days I decided to re-experience the Miracle Mile. I was surprised and appreciative that my old tent site was vacant so I set up camp for the next 2-1/2 weeks.
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As Pic #2 shows the water color was off this year and the shorelines had some disgusting sludgy algae(?) growth I hadn't noticed last year. Lots of broken weed debris in the water that got worse further downstream. Pic #3 shows a view of the lower tail end of the actual 6 mile stretch of the Miracle Mile from a hillside. I didn't actually get to fish the near side cuz the drop "road" to the river was 4wd only.

Fishing: was much tuffer this year. The productive pools of last year were mostly barren including my 2 fave lower river honey holes. Had to expand to identifying and presenting to micro holds in fast riffle water which I left to the flyguys last year. Also had to concentrate on harder to access non-roaded areas by wading or trekking in. One good thing about the tuffer fishing was the crowds were way down. In the end, think I got a fair share relative to availability, and had another great WY vacation.

Sorry, I travel light and don't lug along a camera on the water.


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Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Does look like a beautiful place and sounds like you made a good choice to keep moving. $65 dollars for one fish is a bit steep. That first picture looks like deep and swift water, could hold some potential monsters.

Very minimal campsite..... do you pack along cooking gear for over the fire of all your meals? Fish every night for dinner?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Ate four trout during a 2-1/2 week stay on the Mile - two 12" good for a meal apiece, a 15 two mealer, and a fat 17 which fed me twice plus a buddy for lunch. All fileted and sauteed in butter/olive oil combo on a propane camp stove. Hard to beat fresh caught streamside dining. Also got adventurous with canned meals - stuff like stewed okra, tomatoes, & corn and red beans & rice.

Indeed, enjoying the scenery especially the upper canyon and lower plain(pic 3) trekking beyond roads ends really enhanced the experience + better fishing than well hammered drive up spots.

quivira kid

New member
Sep 11, 2010
Newton, Kansas
I hear you, man.... we were in Laramie at the tail end of the Colorado flooding. I ended up going to a new high mountain lake. The creeks and rivers were all blown out. Next time!

quivira kid

New member
Sep 11, 2010
Newton, Kansas
I spent a few hours at Lake Owen..... way south central. Beautiful, isolated. Caught some small brookies and bows, all on flies. I had to go help clean antelope, or would have fished longer. The goal for next year is to get into shape so I can hike into some remote lakes in a different area. (If I tell where, a friend will string me up!) I just love Wyoming..... the same place I was got 5-8" of white stuff this past weekend!


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Yup, think you gotta be invited to access back country lakes with goldens and 20+" brookies. I'd like a shot at one before I get too old for those treks, heck, probably am already.