Microfiber Lines


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Been using em since the original Power Pro first debuted in 1997. Took awhile to replace mono, but now my reels are spooled 100% with braid. Tried lots of different brands, especially in the early formative years, nowadays more brands & types than I have time to try.

Learned the hard way thru experiential failures that more than a few were disposable. Bottom line was/is manufacturers always claim their line is do everything right better than others special, and it ain't so.

Main takeaway is that a single line brand type cannot be both optimally strong and long casting. All microfiber lines are made of the same PE based strands either woven or fused together, and tuffness appears to be a function of tight fiber array and diameter, thicker is stronger. And smooth finish limp & thin generally equals longer casting and tighter set on the reel spool.

Right now I've settled on Sufix 832 for big fish handling strength and Daiwa J-braid x8 for long casting. Last night I discovered that J-braid might undertest the stated #test as I broke of 2 unexpected chunks on both 8 & 10# test. The thin smooth J-braid is necessary to reach the bite zone that 832 can't. Reminds me of long casting Nanofil fused microfiber with its mediocre break strength.

Both my choices are 8 strand better at resisting twist fraying than 4 strand lines like original Power Pro. Regardless I manually untwist the top few yards after every session.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Update on 8# J-braid x8 : Yesterday after a skunk at my usually somewhat productive wally spot at night decided to get a tug after it got light at a canal that still held water for a smallie or few. Fishing was poor with only a few dinks up to 10" or so but a better one slammed hard and ripped a run right off the bat...and the line snapped. Haven't been using J-braid that long and that makes 2 break offs on fish with the 8# under nominal not appearing excessive load stress.

Then again altho at the previous spot got no bites did manage to land a tail snagged chunkie, which felt like the usual big carp. The fight dragged on and on tho far longer than a carp battle and finally a tired out channel cat showed itself. Feeling the weight in the net and from appearance estimated around 40# give or take, right up there with my biggest. On the same 8# J-braid. Go figger...


Oct 9, 2016
Kastking has impressed me since I first cast it a few years ago. Great light strike detection, no twist casting no-twist lures, good hook sets on small and large fish using med. and light action rods never breaks regardless of fish size as long as drag is set properly.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Ah, Kast King, love it or hate it. Before I buy anything I look up the negative reviews on Amazon and Kast King has too many detractors complaining about the same issues..

This AM pec fin snagged another cat smaller at 25# or so but still a beast on 8#. After releasing first cast line snapped on a not excessive hookset. 3 Daiwa J-braid 8# snaps in less than 2 weeks and don't remember any 832 snaps with years of fish fights over the #test rating. Not sure if I should ditch the J-braid but for sure ain't buying any more.

Guessing the J-braid can handle a steady pull but can fail on a jerk. The breaks are mid line, not at the knot.

Think I'll stick with Sufix 832 exclusively and downsize when longer casts are needed.

Every line out there still in production has its fans so whatever works for you is golden.


Oct 9, 2016
whatever works for you is golden
Never has KK snapped which is why I haven't had to order more in quite some time.
The 7lb and 2lb were caught on 8# test KK and light action rod.

3 3/4 lb bass on same
bass and swimbait.png

Cast these small lures rigged on 1/32 oz jigs very well. All the fish shown in my posts were caught on it.
lures to stock a.jpg
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