Keystone XL Pipeline Discrepancies


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Well, its in the news that a "major", and thats a Fed Gov description, Exxon Mobil pipeline rupture occurred in AR. And apparently there was a previous one I didn't know about into the Yellowstone River, which is personal to me since I'm returning to that area in WY for my once a year fishing binge.

So, I went Googling to find more info and found this in the March 8 edition of the Christian Science Monitor:
"The State Department has just this week released a report which actually estimates a far lower number of jobs will be created by the Keystone XL pipeline. The one to two year construction phase of the pipeline will likely only create around 42,100 jobs, and this number would fall to just 35 permanent jobs in order to perform maintenance and inspections along the entire length"
Now, this differs slightly from the claim of "half a million new permanent jobs in the USA" from tar sands-pipeline industry spokesmen so I'm wondering if someone is LYING ?


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
All that oil will need to be processed.... that will create many, many jobs that are PERMANENT!! It will also reduce the amount of oil we will need from the Middle East.
I work in the oilfield, and have my entire adult life. It is my livelihood, and I am all for keeping our needs and demands for it in our neck of the woods ( North America )
"If you build it....they will come"
drill baby drill.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Jerry Guess that we that live in the oil patch and see a booming economy because of oil. The wife owns oil land. We get part of our income from oil. We also pay no state income taxes because of oil. We enjoy a good life and eat well because of oil. I am able to fly in a airplane to visit my family in Iowa or drive to see them because of oil. I am able to get jig making material delivered to my home because of oil. I am even able to get good clean health care because of oil.

I have yet to see a wind mill or solar panel on a commercial airliner or ship that powers it and makes it run. Untill I do I will keep pushing oil. Next time you touch a piece of plastic I want you to know most likely it came from Oil. As I keep typing on my plastic key board. I am for Recycling and even charge my boat batteries with solar. I have a experimental solar on my home . But Oil is the heavy lifter and will be for a long time to come.

Lets buy it from our Friends and let our ENEMIES find a new source of income. If some one thinks that only 35 employees will be needed to maintain that amount of oil pipeline then they are badly mistaken. That is most likely the number of government jobs that will be created per 100 miles of pipeline laid. As for me its DRILL BABY DRILL!!!!!!!!



Active member
May 1, 2011
Northfield, Vermont
I know it's a good source of oil but really wish they could keep it away from all the waterways and any wildlife areas.

Look at the fracking for Natural Gas through PA and NY - The company said no problems with how they did it and now there are many groundwater sources contaminated. Hope this doesn't happen with the Keystone project.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
The pipeline WILL go through many wildlife/wetland areas that are part of major migratory pathways for waterfowl. A surface spill anywhere along the pipeline would be a big deal for sure. A spill could even threaten fisheries within an hours drive from where I live. It's fine all fine and dandy if it is out of site/out of mind, but if there is a potential for release in your own backyard (or wildlife area) you might just have a little more concern.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
Humboldt, Iowa
Fat man and others want to take a look at all of the existing pipe lines that carry oil and hydrocarbons thur out the U.S.A. well here is a link for some maps.

Guess that we haven't had much trouble so far and some of these pipelines now have a number of years to them. But if the northerners want us to cut off there heating oil and Natural Gas to heat their homes and transport it on dangerous Highways at a more expensive cost I am sure that can be arranged. BTW That is how John Rockefeller made his big money by using pipe lines to transport his oil. Blame him for he was the first.

There are no easy answer to the question but we have to use oil and oil products to live like we are now until technology catches up with our needs to use less oil and oil products. Notice that most of the pipelines are terminated in the Houston, Texas area. They also go thur the Lake Charles, La and Beaumont, Texas area. That is because that is where the biggest part of the refining takes place. These are places that ducks come to winter. Duck populations are up. They must be doing something right.



New member
Dec 6, 2011
Lindale, Texas
Nobody wants to see catastrophes along the order of Valdez or the BP incident in the gulf a few years ago, nor do we want to see smaller incidents that affect our waterways and wildlife. These types of incidents are devestating to all involved.
With all of the federal and state laws associated with oil field pipelines and drilling... The risk is minimal in this day in age. Inspections and safety procedures are stringent and far reaching.
We need the stimulus to our economy that these types of projects bring. Our national economy is in the toilet right now with no escape in sight. We are no longer a nation of production... We have become a nation of consumers. One of the few things that we do produce of value is oil. The production and refining of tho valuable commodity has lifted many areas of this country out of poverty, and have kept our local economies strong, while other areas of the nation have faltered.
Are there risks involved??? Yes... But overall pipelines and oil production boost the economy, and the taxes generated by these industries are enormous!
I will support the construction of the pipeline, and will continue to support drilling.
I have personally worked over the site of the BP incident, and can assure you that I have seen that the majority of the spill is cleaned.. I have seen no evidence of lingering slicks or oil. Yes, initially and for a while after, it hurt... But the gulf coast has rebounded, and is prospering in its wake.
Jobs will be abundant with this pipeline... That I can assure you! There is no way 35 people can operate a project of this size... It will be thousands upon thousands...and the trickle down to industry, trucking, supply, maintenance will affect millions.
I still stick by my statements " drill baby drill" and " if you build it, they will come"


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
As one who drives a car, relies on oil fired electricity, and needs the air & land transportation network for a livelihood, I realize that oil production needs to continue for my benefit. However, the power of the oil industry to get the FAA to immediately declare a "no fly" zone to prevent scrutiny by the press makes me uneasy. What are they hiding?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Well, the British Columbia gov just opposed an alternate tar sands pipeline route through their province due to environmental concerns. Looks like the trans USA route is now the only alternative.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
More recent news - Exxon Mobil is moving for dismissal of a lawsuit for damages filed by Mayflower AR residents. Alternately, they have offered directly affected homeowners compensation of $10,000 + one free housecleaning. Many if not most residents forced to move have not returned to their homes. AR gov among others are questioning why EM has still not issued a statement concerning the cause of the spill. EM also appeared to be covering up the tar sands "oil"(sinks in water) origin. A request to EM to fund a study by the AR gov has been rejected by EM.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Looks like the EPA is bailing on oil/gas industry pollution oversight. After delaying 3x issuing conclusions on water supply contamination in WY the EPA turned the investigation over to the state without explanation. The culprit fracker EnCana donated 1.5 mil $ to fund a new state study.

I guess a few locals with "black and tasted of chemicals" drinking water is acceptable collateral damage.

BTW EnCana(da) is also a tar sands oil developer that split its oil/gas operations into separate companies.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Excerpts from the International Business Times today:

"The oil and gas industry, which stands to benefit from the Keystone XL pipeline, gave $236,544 on average to the senators who voted yes on Keystone, or about 10 times more than the senators who voted no."

Altho I don't pay much attention to global warming since there are no feasible practical solutions for reversal, as a resident of Nebraska I'm concerned about the potential contamination of our Ogallala Aquifer. I'm also not the only resident deeply disturbed about a FOREIGN company suing 100 NE landowners to condemn their land via eminent domain with the blessing of local government.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Don't forget, what you're doing now is because of oil. For every cell phone, iPad, computer, light switch, heater, a/c, and the list goes on, we need oil in some for or another.

Although I agree to never stop the search for alternative energy, we need to break the US's alliance on foreign oil.


New member
Feb 10, 2013
Behind Squeaky all the way. I work in the construction industry large dirt moving manufacture and build it the jobs will come.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
One of foundations of USA democracy ideology is the sanctity of private property. Condemnation thru eminent domain is reserved as an extreme last resort where the "greater public good" is at stake. So, how does a FOREIGN oil companies profits justify STEALING the property of AMERICAN citizens, in the case of Nebraska 100 strong?

Many supporters are convinced by the jobs, less foreign(Canada ain't?) oil dependence, lower gas prices, etc benefits of Keystone XL. Never mind that the source of their information is from those with a vested $ interest like the oil companies, their bribed politicians, and media whore flunkies. You won't hear from the support media about the 100s of spills history, or from the politicians who killed efforts in the Senate to use USA mfg. steel and keep the oil in the USA for domestic use.

Spill baby spill.

edit: oopsies, didn't realize that the mainstream on TV "w" word denoting a paid service provider would be *****.