Fish by the numbers or schoolies unit!


Oct 9, 2016
I've posted large numbers caught in a single outing and there is a reason: schools of fish either of the same species or mixed, hit my lures one after another nonstop.

It has been stated in different posts that fish get tired of a lure - the reason for changing. Fortunately this isn't true.
Fish have senses - not sense. When a fish strikes a lure, it isn't to eat it. When it strikes a lure repeatedly on the same or different casts, the fish is crazed by the lure and can't help itself. The same happens when school fish go after a lure, even though it's obvious the lure hooked one of their buddies and the panicked fish is not happy.

Schools of fish hang out and I don't have a clue why. But one thing typical of school fish: the big turn-on! After the first fish is caught, it's like switches were turned on and any fish in the areas of the same or different species must attack a lure - but only the right lure or lures.
example: I had 4 lures on 4 rods and cast all four into the school. Only two got hit repeatedly; the other two were nipped or not touched. All four lures caught fish on the outing, but in a particular school, only two got hit.

Schools can produce anywhere from 5 to 20 fish on consecutive casts. Yesterday I caught 5 fish immediately: 2 sunnies, 2 yellow perch and a white perch from one spot. The fish weren't under the pads but in open water between islands of pads. The day before I hit 8 fish in a school: a smallmouth bass, a largemouth, sunfish, yellow perch and a white perch. Again, I have no idea why they were paling around considering the fact that two were predators of the rest.

Another school of sunfish - the same species of sunfish - produced 15 fish one after the other. Pumpkinseeds were the only fish present and when I moved not far from the area, another bunch was caught. Yesterday, three schools accounted mostly for the count of 65 fish in 4 hours; over 100 fish on another outing. School fish are a blast to catch and a no-brainer for either the fish or the angler - though different for both. Again, fish are dumb but their senses are smart i.e. keen and the combination produces strikes from crazed fish that don't have a choice at that moment.