colors of jigs do you tie them to please your self or the fish


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I do both. Lucky enough to have a group of fellas as "field testers" too. They fish many lakes across 9 states. They will tell me colors, or I'll send them a color pattern to try. Surprisingly enough, the colors you like yourself do work well. I have come up with a couple duds though! With so many colors of feathers, chenille, paint etc... I don't think you can tie just to attract fish. Natural colors vs. wild-n-wacky. Crappie can be finicky, or they will take some crazy stuff too. This is a great question Snake. I think this will lead to much debate. I look forward to more responses.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
As schoolboys, we all used the same jig - #4 split shot, #4 Limerick hook, white nylon floss, white model airplane paint - & I don't think anything could have done better.

Nowadays with a bit more $ to spend, 5 solid color furs suit all my needs - black, white, chartreuse, red, pink. But who knows, maybe that same white jig I used as a kid might be all I need.

Oh, to answer the question, whatever pleases the fish pleases me. Kinda like my wife.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Well, I have the bite in mind every time I come up with a new color combo, and if a fish bites, then that is pleasing to me. If a color never gets a bite, that is very displeasing, but then I know through experience that that particular combo won't work. I do believe there is an artistic quality to jig tying, but I would have to say no, I don't tie jigs to please my eye. Fish-attraction is definitely the goal. For instance, I can't stand the combo of chartreuse and pink; it definitely doesn't please my eye. But crappie dig that combo here in the stained and muddy waters of Oklahoma, and I dig that.

snake River

Apr 1, 2010
Hemphill Texas
very interesting guys I hope to hear more feedback on this I thought it would be very interesting. Thinking back to when I was a kid or I should say a young man around 13 the only jig that we had at that time was a 1/32oz. Marabou that was all you could buy . we would use these little guys until there was nothing left." White was the only color we caught tons of fish. Nowadays we have about 30,000 different color combinations and sometimes we are still not satisfied. But the color of pink and chartreuse I'm going to have to try lightly in Oregon on the snake River . color combination of black and gold have been doing real good of course black is not my favorite. Natural colors similar to the fry is usually what I will be using. i use chartreuse quite a bit of the time we do use many different colors with chartreuse.


Apr 24, 2010
Lubbock, Tx
That is my biggest problem...I sit here at the bench every time looking at the endless assortment of tails,bodys,(and now that i was forced into powder painting a while back :) ) head colors ... And spend more time trying to decide WHAT to tie, instead of tying.

I tie way to many combo's,and wish I could narrow it down to 10 or so,but its not going to happen,and every now and then I do find a combo that the fish like....


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I remember the marabou jigs my dad and I used in the late 1970's early 80's. They were white head with no eyes. Red thread neck with red and white super fluffy marabou. These were killers back then! I think I'll go out and tie some now. Amazing how the "generic" jigs of our youth were fantastic yet plain, and todays jigs are fantastic with 1000's of color combos!


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
I do tie to please my eyes but more so to try to duplicate what is out there swimming and hopping around. Nearly every fish that swims has a lighter color belly, so most of my minnow jigs/flies do as well.

I tie mostly natural colors: white, gray, green and silver make up a large part of my tackle. Tried alot of the off-the-wall "pretty" colors, but 90% of those bright colors just do not seem to regularly catch in the clear waters i fish. Chart. being one of those.... but it does seem to work for me after dark.

ragged edge

New member
May 2, 2010
Los Lunas NM
I started tying to practice(some better than other combinations), then moved up to please and after so many different combinations I backed off to figure out what catches fish. I still get into swaps for the heck of it.


Apr 7, 2010
Since I am still pretty new to jig tying I will have to admit, at present, I am tying to please myself..but I am leaning to the curve to tie what catches fish...
But with so many colors and material is hard to contain my creativity !!...:D
But , believe me guys..I am trying to be more conservative !!.:P



New member
May 1, 2010
Red Oak,Texas
LRB said:
Since I am still pretty new to jig tying I will have to admit, at present, I am tying to please myself..but I am leaning to the curve to tie what catches fish...
But with so many colors and material is hard to contain my creativity !!...:D
But , believe me guys..I am trying to be more conservative !!.:P


Good luck with that!!!! lol...But most of my jigs I tye to catch fish but not always.....

snake River

Apr 1, 2010
Hemphill Texas
sloedown said:
LRB said:
Since I am still pretty new to jig tying I will have to admit, at present, I am tying to please myself..but I am leaning to the curve to tie what catches fish...
But with so many colors and material is hard to contain my creativity !!...:D
But , believe me guys..I am trying to be more conservative !!.:P


Good luck with that!!!! lol...But most of my jigs I tye to catch fish but not always.....

you have to be careful with this hobby because UPS comes quite often. And of course if you have a wife she is going to get jealous because you are getting all the goodies.


Active member
May 16, 2010
Piedmont, S.C.
I crappie fish with plastic jig body's and most of the plastics will not last over a couple of hours of fishing. I am new to Tying and just got my work station built and got in my supplies Friday.
I tied my first jig Saturday morning and plan on making my jigs to the colors that catch crappie. Not colors I think would work but colors I know will work to start with. I plan on using mostly hair as the jigs body but I have ordered a little of everything to try, LOL I am looking forward to learning as I Tye. I will play with color combinations but only with colors that catch fish on the waters that I fish.

snake River

Apr 1, 2010
Hemphill Texas
StumpHunter said:
I crappie fish with plastic jig body's and most of the plastics will not last over a couple of hours of fishing. I am new to Tying and just got my work station built and got in my supplies Friday.
I tied my first jig Saturday morning and plan on making my jigs to the colors that catch crappie. Not colors I think would work but colors I know will work to start with. I plan on using mostly hair as the jigs body but I have ordered a little of everything to try, LOL I am looking forward to learning as I Tye. I will play with color combinations but only with colors that catch fish on the waters that I fish.

I'm glad to see that you got into a hobby that you will enjoy for many years to come. I've been tying jigs ever since I was in high school that was back in the early 60s. We learn by trial and error we never had anything to go by but what I bought in the store which was just a simple marabou jigs. As the years passed they started using different stuff with jigs in a course nowadays are so many different jigs on the market. But I prefer to tie in use my own jigs. Many of the jigs that you buy do not have the action that I want. And as you probably know all it takes very little movement to trigger a strike. We tried to duplicate whatever the hatch may be mostly of small fish. Course there really are many insects that sometimes the fish will go on a feeding frenzy especially in a country where I live. But all in all I think that you will enjoy it very much if you need help please let me know and we'll gladly pass on patterns in ideals for you. We are in the process now of making an injection type stuff I know what I stated above. But it seems like s for each person out there they seem to stick to rubber. Which I find is a big mistake sometimes. But of course the average fisherman is not educated into whether a patient may strike or may not strike. That comes with years of experience in a course you know a crappie can be very finicky well good luck with your hobby and welcome aboard.


Mar 24, 2010
Poynette, Wisconsin
I try to tie with colors I know work well and also variations of strong colors on my lake! But as you know Crazy Angler keeps tempting me
with great new colors and materials. I've tied on a couple that were absolute dynamite!!! Also myself and a buddy of mine have a nostalgia
day where we fish with Mitchell 300 and Zebco 33's. I tie up stuff we used years ago and we use old lures like Jitterbug, Vamp Spook, Daredevils, Mepps, Mirrolures, Sonics, zips and anything we can find.
Lotsa fun and yes, we catch a lot of fish with the old stuff!!!

snake River

Apr 1, 2010
Hemphill Texas
CK3 said:
I try to tie with colors I know work well and also variations of strong colors on my lake! But as you know Crazy Angler keeps tempting me
with great new colors and materials. I've tied on a couple that were absolute dynamite!!! Also myself and a buddy of mine have a nostalgia
day where we fish with Mitchell 300 and Zebco 33's. I tie up stuff we used years ago and we use old lures like Jitterbug, Vamp Spook, Daredevils, Mepps, Mirrolures, Sonics, zips and anything we can find.
Lotsa fun and yes, we catch a lot of fish with the old stuff!!!

sometimes the old stuff is better than the new stuff we occasionally will put on a simple marabou jig like many years ago with no Chanel just marabou on a letterhead and it works fantastic. there so many of the old lures that we used to use but are no longer with. us I'm wondering what would happen if we went back 50 years and use those old methods that we used to use what that be a shocker.but now that we are in the modern age of fishing lures we have 49 million different styles to choose from in the number is still climbing. Every time you turn around there is something new out there to use it makes your mind boggle. But currently we are going forward with new stuff we just started an injection molding which is a new ball game for me. But I have to go with the flow I will be posting some pictures on the plastics section of this website. Take a look if you get a chance.


New member
May 24, 2010
Charleston WV
my jigs in my box catch fish...jigs i tie to sell catches fishermen....If 1 guy catches a fish on it, its a swarm for that certain color...