
Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
During last years off season I got some great deals primarily Gulp! Minnows. This year, I get a weekly email advertising this or that sale - right now, its up to 50% off with free shipping.  Problem is, every blessed sale all Summer out of all the different sizes and colors there was only one token Gulp! Minnow actually discount priced, a useless to me 1" luma glo color.  Was also interested in some Trilene XT clear for leader, and out of the many different #tests, colors, & spool sizes only the 2,300 yd 25# and 1,800 yd 30# greens are actually on sale.

And, never got a reply to my inquiry about the kinked & bent out of shape Gulp! 2-1/2" Minnows recently purchased online from and returned to my local Walmart. Haha, Wally put em back on the shelf and 3 out of the 4 packs I returned are gone.  Well who knows, maybe a minnow bait in an L shape works better than straight?


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
This year finally something I could use, white pearl Power Bait 3" Twitchtail Minnows and 2" Powerbait Minnows. Generally only low demand clunkers are selected for discount prices, and lucky these apparently aren't popular.

Good deal on newer Trilene 8 carrier braid, which I had got some 10# earlier and it tested well - noticeably thinner than 10# Sufix 832 but just as strong evidenced by landing the wiper of a lifetime under VERY demanding conditions few weeks ago. The tight rounder than many braid is still prone to those annoying small impossible to pick out casting loop knots, but so far have been able to pull them out, whereas Nanofil & Power Pro snaps. However, only comes in low vis green so I'll wait till high vis yellow or troos is an option.

Also tried Fireline Ultra 8 which is misnomer as it is a BRAID. Thick and noisy thru the guides lousy casting and seems to twist more than I like. IMO a total dud.