rich mc

New member
Apr 17, 2015
where is everyone, no posts all week.    so what are you going to try in your jigtying this year?  im am going to work on small1/80size jigs .


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
1/80 ?? Wouldn't that pretty much be a bare 1/0 hook??  :D :D  I have a hard enough time with an 1/8.   Have also noticed things pretty quiet around here and sort of figured everyones busy with family or just catching their breath after the holidays. I'm just going to try and make my ties less sloppy and neater when I get a chance to work on them. Messing with a Boolie type jig with a long shank hook and also a shrimp imitator on a fly hook currently.


Apr 26, 2013
SW Ohio
Other than a severe cold/sinus infection, been working 12 hour a day, mostly outside. So free time has been dedicated to thawing out and trying to get healthy Last year I did a bunch of tiny jigs, 1/100, 1/80 and 1/64. Caught an amzing assortment of fish on those things in may and june.

There is a new mold im looking at but not sure im pulling the plug. Mostly, I just want to fish,,,,


Mar 23, 2010
So Cal I.E.
no excuses - been unmotivated for awhile now.....

Fishing mostly chubs & bellyspinners. Need to tye up a bunch of Autos for spring time.


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
River's are all hard here. It's been cold brrr. =16dF real feel. And freezing rain today

Tied up a bunch of silicon/bucktail jigs


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH

Still painting and tying odds/ends as i need to fill in empty holes in my tackle box.  Have tied a few here and there for friends as well.  I have settled into a few different patterns that i know work well and mostly just cycle through different color schemes and sizes for different species.  Still love the hobby as much as when i started and probably use my own homemade lures 75% of the time i fish.  

At this point, not real sure what to do with the site.  Posting has dwindled down to a trickle.  I was just looking at the user stats and there was only 30 or so new member sign-ups for all of 2017.  That compared to about 5,000 spam sign-ups.  The company that offers the free forum software has gone through some changes as well and turned off a bunch of their add-on services that helped keep those spammers out so i am deleting probably 200 a week.  On a positive note, the server errors have all been fixed and it seems to be running data requests nice and smoothly.  I have noticed that my PM's seem a little buggy too....... the text just runs off the right side of the page and have to use the TAB key to cycle through the page to get to the Reply button.  There are a few other minor background issues under the rug as well.  It seems to be plugging along anyway.  I really have not looked into solutions for the minor issues because the time spent would not really be worth much when there are only a handful of guys using the forum and getting by as is.

One option is to forego the site and just switch it over to a Facebook group that is free.  Loose a lot of stuff if that happens though.  Biggest reason i have just kept paying the hosting fee (about $150/year) was to keep all the images and tutorials in place on the website, not the forum side.  Not really sure how much they actually get looked at and haven't checked the page view stats in a while.  Some of the pinned discussions in the actual forum about jigging history and general tackle industry history would be a shame to loose as well.

Also thinking of offering up the site for someone else to take over.  Anyone interested?  At this point i would gladly hand over the ADMIN info to someone and switch over the billing if they wanted to take it on.  I am not going anywhere and would help out with everything, just don't have time to research all the issues and solutions to the forum software.  Of course LedHed and i would have to both agree on this, but not sure of any other solutions.  I am still active on a couple different fishing forums, but they are all local Ohio forums that have fishing reports as the mainstay of the activity.

The renewal for the site come up in March i believe.  Leaves me stuck at a crossroads.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Saint Louis,Mo
Maybe you could sell some hats and clothing like you have in the past to help pay for the cost of the site. I would place an order. Been cold here so have been keeping myself busy tying. Starting to tie some old stuff I haven't made in years like Tail gunners and easy stuff, trying to keep it simple. I tie on hooks from #12 - 6/0 so there is variety which I like.


New member
Jul 4, 2014
I have not been a member very long. I enjoy the site and would miss it if it shut down. The thing that hurt this site was the server errors lasted way too long. Even I got so if I got a error I just logged off. I did belonged to a site that had server issues and they moved the site to some other server. Some how they were able to move all the data and posts to the new server. Took awhile but they did it.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Don't worry, i will not jump ship and make any big changes. Just throwing it all out there. Honestly, the $150 a year is not a huge deal, just don't know what it is worth in the long run. I bet i spend 5-times that in fishing gear a year. haha I am guessing i would get my investment back 3-fold if i actually just came out and asked for help. I've thought about selling some more shirts and hats. If someone really wanted to put the time in and promote the site, get advertisers and run it like a business instead of a hobby, bet it could pay for itself and then some with very little revenue being raised from the core members. I still enjoy the nice clean no ad forums and they are few and far between now a days. I've made a lot of friends here over the years so not going to close the doors and leave.


Oct 7, 2015
Eastern WA.
I for one totally enjoy this site! I've learned more from all of you here in a less amount of time than I could have ever done from a book. The quality and friendliness of the people here is priceless and I know everyone appreciates the work you do to keep things running. It seems at certain times everyone gets busy with home and family chores and things drop off but they always seem to pick back up when we need a place to get away to. I don't do facebook (my wife does, sorta) as I find it annoying the way it operates. I would be willing to donate to the site if that would help keep it going and keep those annoying ad's away.


Active member
Mar 24, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
Been around a number of interweb fishing sites since 1998 and it always seems to result in the same thing, diminished posting.  I'm not suggesting a cyclic pattern here either.  From what I've seen it usually results in the sale of a site, a transference, or its demise.  Just might be the sign of the times for fishing's future, in general though, based on license sale trends.   I hope not.

I like this site a lot.  Not only because its Owner(s) is/a/are great human being(s), but because I've seen more creativity posted here than at any other recreational or commercial web site that encourages jig tying activities .  That observation, itself, speaks volumes to me.

Photobucket's change in policy for their longtime 'free' users has deflated member enthusiasm at a number of posting sites and, possibly, this one.  Show those potential new members and current membership the way to other free picture hosting sites and greater participation might follow.

It would be nice if more members, rather than the regular membership, would post their work.  I've never known what to do about this, just only to comment about it now in a thread of great importance.


Staff member
Mar 22, 2010
Attica, OH
Thanks for the support guys. I already assumed that if it ever came down to just the money situation, i would be able to ask and a few members would take care of that quickly. There are some crazy talented individuals here on this site..... from a few different countries even. It is great to see the work and get pretty much free and open discussions about how they got from point A to point B. I know a bunch of the old-timers who used to post often are still checking in on the forum and would give up their knowledge if others posted up questions. It is just a matter of getting discussions going again i guess.

I do agree with what slammingjack said, that the server issues did cause a lot of people to stop coming around. Those error screens got annoying quickly. The numbers dipped low then and never came back up when the issues were resolved. I guess my worry/wonder is that another individual might be able to do more with the site than what i have done in the last few years. When i first started it i had all kinds of ideas about ways to improve upon how other forums worked. In reality, it had more to do with the individuals running the sites and members involved than it ever had to do with the actual sites. I had a lot of free time then to tinker with web code and try to teach myself a few things and keep the galleries and tutorials active. Honestly, probably burnt myself out trying to re-invent the wheel. I just don't have that time anymore and when i do...... i have been fishing and camping............. a lot. :)

Thanks again for the support and as i said earlier, i will not just drop the site out of the blue. I have been tying up another set of craft hair jigs for a member of another site so will try to post those up once i am finished. Not going to be able to get back on the ice for at least a few days thanks to this crazy weather. -: Russ


Mar 23, 2010
So Cal I.E.
Thnx for the reassurance that the site will remain viable Russ.
We have too much to lose in the archives, tutorials, and informative posts!
Hope we can remain independent. Luckily there are a few remedies still available.
Regardless of what we do for the site we need to generate more traffic. And Russ needs a break/help.
I don't have the expertise that could assist Russ.

Thnx Russ and thnx Jigcraft members

Jig Man

Active member
May 19, 2010
Out here...
Sure do like this place... Always have and always will. I have met some great people here and look forward to meeting some more. Gonna be in Ontario next month, wish I had time to look LH up while I'm there but don't know if I can pull it off. Thing is the place attracts more genuine folks than any other forum I'm a member of. And I still look in the tutorials regularly. No doubt a few issues we went thru hurt us, but I'm hoping we can get it going again... Heck I wore my Jig Craft toboggan today. Gonna need another one purdy soon...


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Attica - PM Matt Leo over on Riversmallies. He may help you out.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Nothing to contribute here - I suspect a WIN 7 update disabled reading floppy discs from my dinosaur Mavica cam, so I can no longer post pics. Anyway, old ideas ain't broke yet so not motivated to try anything new.

Bout the only thing I've been playing with is pushing the limits of bending to fit 90* jig hooks into 60* molds. Pleasantly surprised that my favorite 1/10 oz Hooksup head mold designed for heavy wire 60*#2 can fit 90* sizes from #4 2x to 2/0 light wire.