Trolling flies / searun browns video


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I had a fellow kayak angler testing some trolling flies and jigs for me in southern Norway. He makes good use of his waterwolf camera and got some nice footage together. It was not before he checked the first day´s footage - still under the impression there was no trout around - that he learned about the whoppers which chased the fly during the day. He then started using the action discs I gave him and work the hairjig actively instead of just trolling it from a fixed rod.

It doesn´t show in the fish being caught on camera but he was very enthusiastic about the effect of the action disc on a trolled fly when it comes to browns. He got some 20 of them on just a few trips, a very good result even for a seasoned angler.  

Here´s another of his videos, focussing on the action disc

I find the most important lesson from all those water wolf footage thats around on youtube these days is how long a trout might chase a lure before it finally strikes. Certainly worth bearing in mind when you mark a spot on the plotter. I often see trolling anglers making a few casts with the spin rod after catching a fish, hoping for follow ups - which never come, because the actual spot has long been overrun by a hundred yards or more.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Great vids, showing the effectiveness of disc enhancement and a red bead.

Now I know why a red ball head Boolie was so effective on trout last season.