Roundup - Glyphosate


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
I understand Bayer is not very happy with its Monsanto acquisition. It reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons where German investors/idiots buy the nuclear power plant. (good one!)

German cities are momentaryly struggling with "non-profit"- organisations enforcing drive bans for diesel fueled cars in order to meet epidemiologically
researched NO-x limits that are 200 times lower than what you get if you light a candle in the house.

I have no idea what is actually going on there but a lot of cars are being "exchanged"  and wrecked that I would have given a finger for when I was 18.
If I had kids I would feed them organic stuff but I wouldn`t go overboard with it. These days, cancer is what you get if you grow old enough. You can raise your chances with excercise and a balanced diet, one poison alone won`t kill you - any more. It may have been different in the fifties and sixties when DDT and Agent Orange were en vogue and nuclear test sites doubled as western movie backdrops.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Corporate disregard of anything but $ profits may be the death of us all. Last week I went all in ordering buffalo, elk, & venison wild game landjaeger which phone call assured me was chemical free. My delight turned to dismay reading the label ingredients including beef, dextrose, corn syrup solids, soy flour, hydrolyzed soy protein, smoke flavor, monosodium glutamate, and sodium nitrite. The small bizness makers of this "original old world sausage" sales model seems no different from Monsanto's deception.

Trust your doctor? Mine in HI recommended Benicar about 10 years ago for high blood pressure which I've been taking (half doses) since. My new NE doctor just approved my switch to the generic but curious I decided to research reviews online. Holy sh**, the Benicar maker just offered a 300 million $ settlement to over 2,000 litigants who claimed SERIOUS side effects, and the firm also agreed to pay a 39 million $ fine for kickbacks to boost sales.

I was blessed with a large crop of uncles & aunties. Back in the day everyone saved bacon grease to cook with because food DID taste better fried in it. So, they started dropping off due to heart attacks & strokes. The last two tho succumbed to cancer, as did my parents thereafter. Yah, maybe one poison alone won't kill, but read the label for example on the increasingly popular (and tasty) ramen packs. Back in the day the broth was made from boiled bones with salt to taste and sometimes a flavor nudge with dried shrimp or tiny "anchovies". Period.

Most of the independent organic purveyors have been bought up by corporate food. And, given a choice of organic grapes for example at $3.99 or commercial for less than half that I'll necessarily go with cheap. Not much organic choices here in rural NE anyway.

During Summer skeeter season a spray truck still drives my neighborhood, & I don't want to know what it is, just lock up the house as best as can.

Diesel drives our nations goods transportation, & doubt that will ever be touched by citizen activism.


Mar 29, 2013
Kiel, Germany
Hawnjigs said:
Yah, maybe one poison alone won't kill, but read the label for example on the increasingly popular (and tasty) ramen packs.  Back in the day the broth was made from boiled bones with salt to taste and sometimes a flavor nudge with dried shrimp or tiny "anchovies".  Period.

Today`s ramen is something one can substitute food with for limited period of time, e.g. college. I do not consider that food. Dunno whats going on in the U.S. but here we start seeing yuppies who ask their butcher for 10lbs of beef bone, making their own broth for low-carb diet without flavor enhancers that mess with your appitite or hardened industrial fats that clogue your pores and blood vessels.

Even folks on the contryside who laugh at tree-hugging city dwellers drive long miles for "good" meat from that one guy who sales directly over a chiller-vending machine at a gas station and cuts out the entire distribution chain of processed food. People have had it with processed food. My doctor once told me that I should always prefer meat that comes out of the wild, be it game or fish. At the end of the day you are what you eat and the basic structure of wild meat is simply better.

I did not realize which standard you came from when you wrote that. I am reminded of the school mates and friends who went to the U.S. as exchangers or au-pairs and ALL gained 30-40lbs of weight within a year, in spite of being young healthy individuals doing a lot of exercise. If I buy a pack of "biltong" dried meat here, it is made in traditional namibian ( or "nambian"? :huh: ) fashion and the only concerning list of additives comes from the spices they use.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
I actually haven't seen "Supersize Me" but I understand filmaker Morgan Spurlock who ate at McDonalds 3x a day " gained 11.1 kilograms (24 lb), a 13% body mass increase, increased his cholesterol to 230 mg/dL (6.0 mmol/L), and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver" after only 30 days !

Food processing chemistry has apparently become very sophisticated, creating taste and even substance addiction. I cringe inside when I see food shoppers carts loaded with sodas and sugary bakery items, but I do remember how good they taste.

I guess your mates couldn't resist the advertising barage and peer pressure temptation to indulge.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Back to Roundup-glyphosate, some of you may be aware that last month a jury awarded Mr. Dewayne Johnson 289 million $ finding the product caused Mr. Johnson's cancer and Monsanto had covered up vital information about carcinogenicity.

Quote Mr. Johnson's attorney Brent Wisner: "We were finally able to show the jury the secret, internal Monsanto documents proving that Monsanto has known for decades that... Roundup could cause cancer."


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Wow, the hits just keep on coming. As a result of the Dewayne Johnson court case & merger with Monsanto indeed Bayer is not happy with their share values substantially dropping.

And according to Bayer, they also are now party to 8,000 lawsuits naming Monsanto Roundup.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Disgraced corrupt bottom feeder Scott Pruitt former head of the EPA declared glyphosate as safe contradicting the United Nations World Health Org IRAC determination that it is a PROBABLE carcinogen. If you think the EPA is protecting you, you might want to do a little research who's side they're on.