New Member from GA


New member
Sep 28, 2021
When I decided to started fishing again as an adult, I wanted to learn more about artificials because I grew up a bait fisherman. I figured the best way to start was with jigs, since they seem like a pretty universal lure. The best thing to start targeting was panfish, because there are plenty of them, and it makes for quick feedback when you're trying out new things. I know if what I'm trying is working or not that day pretty quickly.

Let's just say I never moved on from jigging for panfish. Now, I have to DIY to keep my addiction going. :LOL:

I started with painting my own jig heads because I wasn't happy with color selections. Now, I'm working on getting a lead operation to stock up over winter, and I hope once I get those down good, to move on to tying. I've done a lot of reading the past couple years on tacklecraft related things. I do a lot of experimentation with different color combinations under different conditions.


Mar 23, 2010
Ogallala, NE
Ah, Jawjuh, home of a man I really admire former President Jimmy Carter. Enjoy your crafting and maybe someday you'll arrive at the KISS stage of tackle crafting needing only a few tried & true jigs for good as it gets catches.

Hey, you got an ocean to play in ?


Well-known member
May 22, 2012
Welcome to this little corner of the bait shack. Watch out, making jigs is addictive.


New member
Sep 28, 2021
Ah, Jawjuh, home of a man I really admire former President Jimmy Carter. Enjoy your crafting and maybe someday you'll arrive at the KISS stage of tackle crafting needing only a few tried & true jigs for good as it gets catches.

Hey, you got an ocean to play in ?

Yup, Jimmy Carter is a fine man; unfortunately, honest men haven't done too well in D.C. for a while.

I think I've managed to keep it fairly simple. I mostly just use 2" curly tail grubs in various colors on 1/32oz jig heads that I powder paint myself. Over time, I have consolidated colors that work well in the water I fish and that go well together together (e.g. chartreuse/pink, yellow/orange). The water is usually stained to murky around here, so I'm usually fishing with bright colors.

Unfortunately, I have always lived 2+ hours from the ocean, and I can count on one hand the number of times I have fished saltwater, but I did enjoy surf fishing. I primarily just fish from the bank wherever I can track down some productive water.